Parents, Guardians
& Family services
Parents and families that are looking to increase their knowledge and ability to self-regulate can contract us for regular sessions.
It may be to have a forum to discuss how to utilize the information from the Parent Nights or it may be to process a unique situation or struggle. At times, including siblings or other family members may help increase a child’s felt sense of support. We are happy to plan a family experience to help you and your family meet your relational goals.
Check out our Free Polyvagal Parent & Guardian Workshops
The workshops cover recent advancements in our understanding of neurological development and brain function, and the implications for understanding and supporting children and youth. We discuss shifting our focus away from managing the child’s behaviour to assisting the child to better understand and self-regulate their reactions to stress.
Remote / Online
2 hour duration
Free Registration

Winter - Spring 2025
Polyvagal Parenting Workshop Registration
Join us as many times as you like. Share the link with
friends and family.
Spread the word on Polyvagal Theory!
Please note that this is a live event
and will not be recorded.
Tuesday, January 14th
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday, February 22nd
9:30am - 11:30am
Tuesday, March 25th
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday, April 26th
9:30am - 11:30am
Tuesday, May 13th
6:30pm - 8:30pm